You need to pick someone up at the airport and already your stomach is churning. Airports can be such confusing places! Who knows where to park or where to go next. What if I walk into the wrong terminal? Will I find the right gate on time? Travelers need help and good directional signs are lifesavers in airports.
Signs are a lot more than merely marketing tools. Many signs are helpful, especially when people are busy or under pressure, as people often are in an airport. Directional signs are extremely useful and make life much less stressful.
Benefits of Good Directional Signage
Directional signage in an airport refers to those signs that prevent us from ending up in a hangar or on the runway. Unless you want to grab a flare and direct one of those departing flights, directional signs will get you where you to need to be. No questions asked.
It stands to reason that if visitors have a good experience in a large, sprawling place like an airport, they will feel good about returning or recommending the airport to other travelers. Make visiting the airport a great, comfortable, safe adventure.
Signs for directions must be at a height and location that can be seen easily by everyone. Ceiling and lighted signs do particularly well in airports. It’s crucial that fliers and their families see the information that these signs provide, even from a distance.
Directional signs are also useful for other areas of the airport, places like restrooms and restaurants. Many businesses found in airports depend on good directional signs. Signs next to elevators and escalators are crucial to new visitors.
Importance of Signage in Airports
People rely on signs. Most people are merely passing through an airport, and many have never been there before. It’s a relief when they can find their terminal, gate, and luggage. Signs are essential to making this happen.
Good directional signs are intuitively positioned to point people to what they need at the right moments. Anyone studying airport signage will come away with a whole new appreciation for what an airport can be like and how it can be improved by intelligent signage solutions.
Our design teams can sit down with you and help to create directional sign packages that will get the job done. Crisp, concise, and timely, our directional signs can be customized to provide an excellent experience for all visitors to your airport.